This잠언 translates to “From rags to Riches”. Which has meaning of someone being in just opposite and way better situation than before.
Literal translation of this Proverb would be: From a Stream, Dragon Rises.
Use (사용시기) This Proverb can be used when you see / hear a person or group of people who initially had nothing and are in a way better situation than most people now. Be it in case of Popularity, Money etc.
개천에서 용 난다
Vocabulary (어휘) + Grammar (문법)
개천 : Stream
에서 : Used to indicate “from” in place e.g. from the stream / 서울에서 부산까지
용: Dragon
닌다: to appear / to rise
So, Proverb would mean:
From a Steam, Dragon Rises.
같은 문법로 만든 다른 문장
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