Having the meaning of “There is no Overnight Success” or “Rome wasn’t built in a Day”. This 잠언 can also be used to indicate that it takes a lot of work for getting certain result and You can’t just go from 0 to 100 overnight on your own (Unless you are trying Driving, You would need to learn Driving for that too)
Literal Translation / Meaning: Rome wasn’t built in a morning.
Use (사용시기) This 잠언 can be used for encouragement purpose or when asking to have Patience. As Rome wasn’t built in a Day, other things also take time. Sometimes the things you start might take Years for you to get to the level that you want.
Knowing that it takes time, and It’s OK to take time is one thing that helps in keeping Calm or having Patience. So, you can be on 2nd or 3rd Tempo with knowing that it will take time & its OK to keep Calm 😉
로마는 하루아침에 이루어진 것이 아니다
Vocabulary (어휘) + Grammar (문법)
로마는: Rome | 는 here is topic marker
하루아침에 : a Morning (하루= Day, 아침= Morning) | 에 : Here it refers to in
이루어진 : Made
것이 : thing
아니다 : wasn’t / isn’t
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