This 잠언 means “Out of sight, out of mind”.
Literal Translation / Meaning for this one is same as its meaning.
Use (사용시기) This 잠언 can be used when you are describing problems which are causing you stress. And can be avoided with the concerned thing not being in sight e.g. Relationship Problems.
눈에서 멀어지면, 마음에서도 멀어진다
Vocabulary (어휘) + Grammar (문법)
눈에서 : From Eyes (에서 meaning from)
멀어지면 : while being away (멀어지다 = away, 면 = while )
마음에서도 : From mind too (마음 = Mind, 에서도 = from too)
멀어진다 : Stays away
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